Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Small Still Voice

Yes, I am once again writing on this thing. I have decided that I might just be interested in doing this again. But then again maybe not.
I was on cheese yesterday and thinking to myself many thoughts. I was thinking about a couple of interactions I had with some blogger who wasn't impressed with my beliefs, and that lead to thinking about Norm (Paster Norm) who asked Catherine G about what we believed. Not that she would even know where to start. That got me thinking about it I could vocalize what I or "We" believe and put into words the vision that we have had as a group, and what my personal vision is. I was pleased that I really could do a fair job. I have so far to go before I even begin to have understanding, but it's great to know that I have internalized some of what I've been hearing my whole life.
I was listening to Buddys word at the WSF convention last year fittingly enough, about the vision, and how he first got involved in the Move and when he met Brother Sam and all that good stuff. I found it quite interesting. Anyway, all good things.
Oh and I LOVE being married!!! It totally rocks!! Such an immature description, but I don't care. Oh and last night was so awesome. I was falling asleep just thinking about how much I loved Dan, and then in the middle of the night, I was dreaming about all these weird and sort of nasty things and I woke up when he rolled over and put his arms around me and snuggled for just a few minutes. Then he rolled over again, but he was asleep. It was so wonderful to know he was there and that reality was WAY better then what I was dreaming.
Anyway, it was great and it's great to be married and I even have started having a better attitude about living upriver, though today everything irritated me. But I think that's just the Lord trying to test me. That is the usual thing anyway.
Alright, all done.
Oh and if anyone is offended by what I wrote, well, quite simply don't read my blog. And in fact I don't really care.