Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Quotes by kids

"There are sooo many Emma's in the whole world and you're my best one!" - Jackson
"Can I drive wetending?" Emma
"Would you like some of my Wetend yummy tea?" - Emma
"Good job singing, Mom." - Emma
"I'm a very special Emma and you're a very special Daddy " - emma
"Why is that lady freaking out?" - Emma
"I AM so cute.!" - Emma after I told her that she wasn't cute.
When explaining to me why he told Valery that he likes Brady better, "She just looks better, Mom." - Jackson

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Beginning of new things

Today is the first day of school for Jackson. I know! WHAT!?!?! How can he be in Pre-K already? I am so excited for him to take this new step. I think the challenge and the change will be so good for him and I can't wait to see how he develops. Of course, there are going to be difficulties. He will have to listen a lot better to his teachers then he does to me. But I think it will be really good.

Emma is now a "helper". She is becoming one too. Though she still spreads ruin and desolation, she does manage to be a help at times too. :) I am so excited that my kids are growing up to become people. I know that's kind of like the sky is blue, but really it sometimes feels like they are always babies and then the world changes and they are different.

I am also getting excited about this little one in my belly. I can't wait till she's born and our family is complete. It will be so fun to see the new dynamic develop. Jack is already so sweet about her and Emma is a natural care taker if ever there was one. I am well aware that there will be fighting and what not, but hopefully there's lots of fun and laughs and family snuggles. Also adventures. I love doing family adventures!

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

A caring heart

Just a little story that I don't want to forget.

A week or two ago, I was exercising outside, doing wall ball. On the very last rep, I threw the ball up and then looked over at my kids. I caught the ball on my ear which hurt like hell. I started crying and Emma instantly got very upset and started crying too. She came running over to me and threw her arms around my neck, asking if I was OK. And then kissed my head. Then the other night, she headed my with her head when she was attempting to snuggle with me. She cried and cried and my eyes were watering. She put her head down on my shoulder to cry and then looked up still crying, "Mommy, you OK? Sorry Mommy." It was so cute, how she was still so concerned for me though she was hurting herself.

The other fun thing was we told Jackson that he was having a baby last night. His eyes immediately lit up and he poked my stomach and said "for real life?" And then he really wanted to tell everybody. I told him he had to keep it a secret for a little bit longer, but in a few days he could get up and tell everyone, and he was VERY excited about it.

I love my kiddos. They are so fun and I am looking forward to the challenge of another one. : )

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Adventures with youngsters

This spring has been one of comparative freedom to the previous years. Emma is old enough to go without a nap in the morning and they can stretch their afternoon nap to 2:30. So we have all the hours between 8 and 2:30 for adventures! 
I love taking them on adventures and seeing how much delight they get from discovering some small hidden puddle, or throwing rocks off a bridge into the water below, or finding our own path through the woods. We have enjoyed our spring very much this year. 
We've visited the island more times then I can count. Usually through in a truck load of rocks off the bridge in the process. We've mud puddles our way around the farm, walked to the very tip of the island, stood in the river in our mud boots to examine the old bull dozers chassy that is in the middle of the slough, we've walked across the frozen Moose pond to see the ponds beyond and summitted the bluff to partake of the view and the crocuses. 
Spring has always been a favorite season of mine and with two adventurous kiddos, it makes it even more magical to come outside after the long winter. 
On to summer with swimming and running around with little to no clothes on and finding all the interesting things there are to find in summer! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My kids are getting BIG!

Emma is getting so big it just amazes me. She has kinda sorta stared potty training. She's peed a bunch of times and pooped once. I don't think she is quite right, but she is not even two yet, so if I see her acting like she is intent, I'll go for it.

She put on all her brothers out door gear tonight. Including one mitten. She is amazing. She talks in whole sentences and even paragraphs. She is learning new words all the time and it is so fun to hear her express herself.

Jackson is also growing and so imaginative. He can make up a game out of anything. He was playing super hero tonight. Saying, "Are you in trouble? Here comes SUPER HERO!" It was quite cute.

We just got back from a trip to see my family and they did really well being in the car for six days. For the most part. What was so fun was seeing them in the pool. Jackson was so brave! He loved the slides and went all by himself and really big one in Grand Prairie. It was so impressive. He just got on and away he went.
Then on the slide in Whitehorse, he would flop around on his belly going head first. He LOVED it! Emma was a lot slower to like the water but after a couple times she really started getting comfortable in it. She liked going down the red slide, but she asked me continually if I was going to hold her. "Mamma hold me? Mamma let go Emma, No?" I told her over and over that I wouldn't ever let her go and she was safe. She was really cute.

She is really sick at the moment and it's so sad to hear her gasping and coughing and sad. She had a fever of 104 today and slept for 3.5 hours this afternoon. I am hoping that with the increase in coughing,  she is starting to have the congestion break up in her chest.

I love my kiddos. I want to make sure that I spend good quality time with each of them so that they feel special.

Jackson and I had a conversation the other night about how much we loved each other. He asked me if I liked him more then I liked Isaac. I told him he was my favorite. He told me he loved me more then Beary. I told him I loved him more then everything. He asked if I loved him more then the moon. And then more then the house and everything in it. And then more then all the stuff I had. I told him that I loved him and Emma and Dad more then anyone or anything else in the world. And then he grinned.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

How come they grow up so quickly?

I always have great intentions to get on here and post all about my kiddos; the funny things they do, the hilarious things they say, all the fun stuff that happens that I want to hold onto so I can remember their quickly passing childhoods. But I don't. I forget and look at Facebook instead, or play a racing game. Nothing makes me feel so much like a failure as when I realize their childhood is slipping away without me taking enough notice. 
But it's hard to summon the energy and the Memory when I have a minute to actually get on the computer undestirbed. But I will do better. Recently, Jack has been really into building things. He is very clever at it and I love his inventions! He is great at building train tracks in unique and interesting ways. He builds walls and attaches his cars and heavy equipment together when any fastening device he can conjure up. 

Here is a bridge he built today. What a kid!

Emma is all about people. I seriously can't believe what a social little chappie she is. She visits all the neighbors and like nothing better then opening their doors and ingratiating herself into their lives. She would rather go be with people any day of the week then play with any toy. She also prefers real things to play toys. She disdains things meant for little people and wants only the genuine, WORKING article. She is classic girl though. Loves purses and accessories of all descriptions and hat, coats, shoes, boots, gloves. All the good stuff. She is really making an effort to talk as well. She is using three or four word sentences and is making great strides is the words she can say. She is very verbal. 
Recently she has started shouting at us after we put her into her crib for "hugs!" and "kiees" and won't let us go until we pay attention to her demands. She also likes to just give kisses when she's in trouble. Trying to put oil on the troubled waters. 😊

We have so much fun together and I really want to make sure I enjoy it for all that it is before I'm old and they are grown up!