Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I am so flipping uncomfortable! Oh well, it will only be another six, to eight weeks. I can do it!!! GRRRRRR! Grit teeth, clench fists...
In other news, Andrew Giles is here doing a college course and he did service on Sat. It was SO good and I want to write a bit of it down so I don't forget. He talked about how we MUST have a day to day, hour to hour relationship with the Holy Spirit, who is the one who teaches us to come into complete communion with God. How we have to utilize the spirit, to get the help we must have. There was a lot more and I'll write it in my journal, but I just wanted to remember.
I am so tired though that I can't put two thoughts together. Uhg... here's to waking up at five.. yuck!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby baby baby

Yes, I have been pretty much thinking exclusively about the baby. The dreams that I've had about this baby have been so interestingly weird! Hopefully when this baby actually gets here, they will stop. It's also been an eye opener to see how strongly people feel about their opinions about what is right and what is wrong in birthing, parenting etc.
For instance a simple thing like scheduling your baby. You can either be an idiot for not scheduling your baby, or a complete child abuser and naive to think that you should try to get your baby to sleep through the night. Oh and circumcision. Did you know that if you circumcise your baby boy, you not only don't think your baby is good enough the way he was born and needs improving, but he'll hate you forever and feel totally mutilated because of what you did. OH and because "most everyone is not circumcising" that means you should go with the popular tide.
I will say that the decisions Dan & I make for our baby are going to be based on what we think is right and hopefully be lead by the Holy Spirit. He's the only one who really has all the answers and he certainly can give us what we need to be the parents we need to be.
And we are going to circumcise our child if it's a boy. SO there!!! :) I had to say that here because I would get lynched for saying it on the forums.
I am really getting excited about having the baby. I wish I could just get to it and not have to wait and wait and wait...... It will happen. It has too. Some day the baby will be here.. HURRAH!