Saturday, January 25, 2014

Emma Joy

Our girl is starting to crawl! Hurrah! She is so adorable! I don't know how we got so lucky to have such awesome little bunches.

She is also really starting to assert herself. It's going to be a chore curbing her temper. She is going on Childcare now and unfortunately, she has been sad and not wanting to be put down for all of her teachers.

I was hoping for a smooth transition, but it seems like we'll have to work a bit with this one.

She still only has the two teeth, which is really surprising but I am pretty sure that she is still working on the front two. I just wish they would finally pop through!

She can wave hi and bye and even kind of says it too. It's pretty cute. When I go and pick her up after her nap, she likes to give me big open mouth kisses. Slobbery, but very sweet. She is a snuggle bug at times too, though a lot more wiggly then I was expecting. She is still high rev, despite being a girl.  I will post a pic or two a little later.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Bubba's here

Emma was crying today and Jackson kept saying to her, "It's OK, Bubba's here baby." in the sweetest voice. So cute!
She is also saying Hi and Bye Bye and waving. It's amazing how quick she is. Still trying to get the crawling thing down and she get's really frustrated when she can't get to what she wants.

Monday, January 06, 2014

8 Months Old!

This little ham is 8 months old! She is as sweet as can be. Though she does have a temper...... it's kind of cute actually, but I will still come down on her. :) She is able to sit up all by herself now without falling over every two seconds. She can get from her belly onto her knees and rock a bit, scoot backwards and get into a sitting position. She is also babbling away. She can make bbababab, daddddaa and papapapa sounds. She is a thumb sucker all the way. No more nuk. She'll have none of it.
She is nursing four times a day, though I think she will probably drop the 5:00 one pretty soon. In one way, I can't wait to ween her, but in another way that means she'll be 1 year old!
She is weighing in at 19.5 lbs and is about 28 inches long. She's the best girl a Mama could ask for and I'm so thankful she's my baby Emma.