I keep forgetting to get on here are immortalize all the funny things my kids say and do. But here are a couple of stories.
The other day I was correcting Jackson and telling him to look at my eyes. Emma opened her eyes really wide and looked at me earnestly and said "dis, dis?"
She is so full of spunk and I love her sense of humor. And the fact that she wants to be the one to pick out her clothes and shoes. She's 15 months old!
Jackson, discussing colors he likes, said to Dan "I'm the kind of guy who likes green, brown and blue."
He is getting so big and the things he thinks of and puts together always surprises me. He's very sensitive to ideas about fear and danger and so I am constantly reassuring him about the safety of things.
Emma has been throwing fits about sugar. She LOVES sugar. The more sugar, the better and to heck with all other food. I am waging war on her now to eat what I give her. Not a lot of it if she doesn't like it, but she IS going to eat a couple of bites and I'm not going only give her bread, cheerios and candy. So, that's been fun, but I know it's worth the fight.
She is funny too, because when I look at her and I'm talking to her, she gives such an impression that she understands every word. Maybe it's because she is a lot more engaging then Jackson was, but it makes me feel like she is catching on a lot faster then he did. And because of that I find myself expecting more out of her. She can already follow simple directions really well, which I love. I told her to go get her shoes the other day and she went to her drawer, picked some out and brought them to me. She also put them away when I told her too. She has put her clothes in the basket too.
Jackson is getting more interested in reading stories with me and I love cuddling with him. He often tells me, "I like you Mom." Which is the cutest thing. He is getting really coordinated with his play too. He has been building train tracks a lot and using the road I did on his floor with tape.
It's fun to see him create and pretend. And he's doing well with potty training. He's had some accidents recently, but I think it's more laziness then anything else. I just want to be done with diapers for him.
The last couple of nights Emma has wanted to be rocked to sleep, which is not normal. At the end of the day I am often so tired and so ready to just RELAX, that I have a habit of trying to get the bedtime routine over with as quickly as possible. The kids, and Dan too really, like to drag it out as long as possible. But the other night I was sitting in the dark with a baby who cried and cried every time I put her in her crib and I reminded myself that I have nothing better to do than to snuggle and nurture my baby. I held and sung to her for probably 30 - 45 minutes and she finally passed out in my arms. It was so sweet and she is growing so quickly. I was infinitely more relaxed after I had finally snuck out of the room. And of course, knowing I was there when she needed me, made me feel much better about life in general.
I just need to take the time to enjoy all the moments, even through the fog of tiredness. :)