Today is the first day of school for Jackson. I know! WHAT!?!?! How can he be in Pre-K already? I am so excited for him to take this new step. I think the challenge and the change will be so good for him and I can't wait to see how he develops. Of course, there are going to be difficulties. He will have to listen a lot better to his teachers then he does to me. But I think it will be really good.
Emma is now a "helper". She is becoming one too. Though she still spreads ruin and desolation, she does manage to be a help at times too. :) I am so excited that my kids are growing up to become people. I know that's kind of like the sky is blue, but really it sometimes feels like they are always babies and then the world changes and they are different.
I am also getting excited about this little one in my belly. I can't wait till she's born and our family is complete. It will be so fun to see the new dynamic develop. Jack is already so sweet about her and Emma is a natural care taker if ever there was one. I am well aware that there will be fighting and what not, but hopefully there's lots of fun and laughs and family snuggles. Also adventures. I love doing family adventures!