Tuesday, May 09, 2006


For all of you who know what this means, these are the visions that we received to get married. I was personally very encouraged by them. As of yet, no date, but it will be the right time when it's set. And we'll let you all know. (That is if you are someone who should know, you'll know;) )
For all of you who don't know what this means, that's ok. You really don't need to. Though if you want me to explain it to you, I'll be happy to.
Here they are.
I saw this Couple walking in a grassy place. There were deep cavities hidden in the earth. They seemed to be aware of the condition of the place where they walked. Each step they took required a knowing that they would stand on solid ground. Time passed, they were coming to the end of that treacherous place. Beyond it, they could see the path they were to take. In their zeal to get to it, they wanted to hurry, but they would not. They kept their focus on the accuracy of each step. As the vision ended, this Couple was on the solid path. They moved forward with firm direction to fulfill what they were sent to do. The atmosphere around them was that of peace and unwavering commitment. -Irene Conrad

I saw a couple and they were working in a field; but I saw that each time the weather would get bad, they would leave their work and go inside. Consequently, in the field they were working on, the planting fell behind because the couple kept leaving their work. Then I saw that the man began to study the area where they were and he realized that this was an area where there would always be stormy weather; but at least the couple could work the field until the weather got really bad. I then saw the couple get in the field and they stayed at their work even when the weather looked bad and even when the weather got very bad, they were responsible enough to cover the plants against the bad weather. As the vision ended, I knew that if this couple stuck to the work they were doing, they would have a beautiful harvest. -Donna Gomez

These two were trying to come into agreement about buying a new home, but each one had specific ideas of what they wanted in a home and they weren=t able to find something that had everything in it BB according to the two ways of thinking. Then the Lord told them they would never find something already built to fulfill their needs as a couple. He told them he wanted them to build their home BB just the two of them. Not only that, but He had the plans and they were to build it exactly how the plans were laid out. But before even that was started, the land had to be cleared and all the brush and weeds burned out. Then they would start with the foundation.
They were not shown the plans in their entirety, but only a step at a time. They would finish that one area and then the Lord would show them what next to be completed. They trusted the Lord==s leading, but that didn=t make the way any easier. There were difficulties along the way BB each one had their way and their say in how things should be carried out, but they found coming into agreement exciting, as one would give up more of themselves for the other through different circumstances.
The foundation was laid - the walls went up - and the roof was attached! Then the Lord told them that it was now up to them to finish the inside and the landscaping. He said they were ready to do that part because of the oneness they had accomplished in carrying out His plan for the foundation, walls, and roof. They were honored that He was putting His trust in them to complete their home. -Jannis Blohm

There you have it. Any comments are great.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Well, well, how exciting that is! I love you sooo much and I'm soooo happy for you and for whenever the wedding is. Can't wait to hear when and in the meantime, good luck! Talk to you soon....