So here are some things that I like/love about being a mom.
- I love chubby arms around my neck.
- I love wet kisses on my face.
- I love grins when I tickle bellies.
- I love snuggles at bed time.
- I love snuggles while BF.
- I love watching them discover the world.
- I love playing with them.
- I love baby belly laughs.
- I love two year old belly laughs.
- I love noisiness though it gets old.
- I love downy heads.
- I love bath time and good smelling soap.
- I love wet babies in towels.
- I love tiny little fingers.
- I love little hands gripping my fingers.
- I love bigger hand holding mine.
- I love tiny feet!
- I love sweet smelling babies.
- I love the conversation of my two year old.
- I love late night cooing with my baby.
There are actually quite a few more, but those are the ones I can think of right this minute. Yesterday Jack pinched his finger a bit in the door and came crying up stairs. I asked him what happened and he said, "Hurt my finger Mamma, in the doorrr.." I said sorry and laughed and bent over because he was so cute and he grinned at me and copied me bending over and chuckling. It was fun.
These things make the waking in the middle of the night, and the shear exhaustion of raising babies worth it.
Here are my munchkins.