Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rolling Over

Today Emma started rolling over. She is getting so big so fast! She also likes to try to sit up when she is in her bouncy chair.
We measured her today too, and she is almost 26 inches long. It's always hard to realize how fast time goes by with these little ones. One day they are in your belly the next you are trying to remember how tiny they were when they first came out.
It was so hard to deal with all the pain of nursing for those first two plus months that I fear I failed to really focus on her. But that's fine. This is really my favorite stage anyway. She is SO talkative and lively and she is such a sweet girl. She sleeps great, eats fast, interacts wonderfully. The only slight draw back with her is she spits up a lot. But we couldn't have a completely perfect baby right? :)
Jackson is also growing at an alarming rate. He is now talking in complete sentences and forming original thoughts. Today he asked me " Hold the rock for a minute momma"? He picks up all these phrases and uses them. It's amazing to see how he changes.
My mom suggested to me the other day that I make sure to settle him and connect with him after I've been gone all day at work. I think it might help with some of his behavioral issues when we are at the dinner table.

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