Thursday, February 27, 2014

A little story

Tonight I was peeling roasted garlic and it was kind of hot. I kept saying "ow!" And Jack, who was standing beside me puts his arms around me and says, "It's Ok Mommy, I'm here. I have you mommy." He kept putting his arm around me and telling me it was OK every time I said OW! So cute. :) love my boy!

Monday, February 24, 2014


He is now peeing in the potty! Yippe! He has yet to actually sit down and poop in the potty,  but he stayed dry all day today. Even though he pooped in his pants twice, I still count that as a win!

He also told me that he was going to fall on me and squish me and then I wouldn't be able to say hi. :) Oh and I asked him if he wanted pee on the floor and he said yes. I asked him why and he said, "It's yellow and yummy and I like it.." Then grinned and laughed at how funny he is. What a strange child I have.

Emma pulled herself up today and by the look of it, she desperately wants to just walk. She's so aggressive it's amazing.
She is now nursing two times a day, because I was tired of getting chewed on. Literally. She bit me so hard last week that she not only broke the skin, but she cut me enough to leave a scab. Little twit.
So two times it is and she is loving the big girl food. She wants nothing to do with anything blended up. It's meat ball and noodles and bread and chicken for her all the way.

What a girl!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

And we have some PEE!

Jackson actually and really peed on the potty today! So jazzed. He was giddy with excitement, jumping up and down while I clapped for him. Hopefully this is the beginning of potty training. It's the first sign on any interest or even toleration of the idea.
Another Jackson tidbit is the other day I was sitting down to the table and groaned because my quads were really sore from a work out. He was like, "What's wrong Mommy?" "I'm sore because of my work out." He looked up at me and started stroking my leg, saying, "that better Mommy?" I said yes and he  said, "I take care of you Mommy, and I take care of Daddy and Baby. I'm a nice boy..." It was so cute and genuine and sweet.
Love my boy!

Friday, February 07, 2014


I realized today that I wasn't writing down enough about Jack and Emma. I just forget all the funny things he says by the time I have time to get to the stupid computer. But I am going to try to do better. They will be teenagers before I know it... AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emma's 9 Months OLD!

Wow. At this point I don't really want to do any blogging.  Just sleep. She is sick and was up every 45 minutes all night and now she woke up 1.5 hrs before she was supposed to and woke up her brother. GREAT!

BUT, she is nine months old. She is clapping, waving, says Bye bye, Dada, Mama, Bubba, Emma, and other things. She is REALLY into screaming and I am waring against that one for sure. I hate screamers.

She has three teeth and one more popping through on the top. She normally nurses four times a day but I am trying to get her to drop the after nap one. I am doing this by moving her lunch time one to right before her nap. She is eating tons of stuff and today even had some ground meat and cottage cheese. Silly girl. She would have nothing to do with the blended food I had for her.

She is crawling all over the place. And getting into everything. Cords are her special interest. Oh and books of course. She is also always trying to pull herself up on everything. But she's not quite there. She also likes to get up on her toes into a push up sort of stance for some reason.

She is around 28 inches long, and 20 lbs with clothes on. She's long, but not that chubby. Nothing like Jackson was.