Friday, December 06, 2013

7 Months Old!

My little muffin is seven months old. (Really a week ago, but life has been busy, so oh well.)

She is 18 lbs 10 oz. and 28 " long. She is trying really hard to move and I think will probably be crawling before too long. Maybe another month or so. She is saying lots of "mamama ma ma ma sounds and also likes to yell" She loves to chew on her tongue, which is pretty funny.
She still beams at everyone who walks by. She has two teeth on the bottom and I think she is working on the top two as well.

Unfortunately she is having a bit of a sleep relapse. She has been waking up between 4:50 and 5 for about a week. And it SUCKS!
I am so tired. Blah!
Anyway, I do know from past experience that this to shall pass... THANK GOD!

She is a constant delight and I really love that little squirt!

Here are some pics.

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