Monday, December 23, 2013


Akkkee! I need peace! The whole situation with the Eads is really getting to me and I find myself being angry a good portion of the time. I am trying to let it go and really praying that the Lord give me peace about it. I want to be able to forget about the hurt they are causing and really leave the situation in God's hands but I just want to HURT them!

I asked Dan to pray for me that they can stop taking up residency in my mind.
My babies have been sick lately and so not a lot of time for things like thinking up something to write about. But I will be here again at some point. I keep wanting to remember things about the kids, but when I sit down to type something.... nothing. A big fat nothing. Oh well. I have a couple of videos that I want to put up just to have. I'll have to get to it later as Emma is awake and needs attention.

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