Friday, March 14, 2014

10 Months Old!

This girl is 10 months old! Though technically she didn't have a 10 month birthday because of February.  :) 
She is a mover and a groover and has quite the attitude at times. She is a terror teether.. BLAH! Poor baby. She has two on the top and two on the bottom. She's been acting horrible recently so maybe more coming... 
She is 20 lbs and 13 oz with her clothes on and I need to measure her still. She is so much fun and loves her big brother more and more all the time. 
She has been pulling herself up on everything and getting very angry that she can't walk. 
She has a lot to say but not much that is understandable. She is eating big person food now. Suddenly last month she decided she was all done with mushy food and would have none of it. It's actually really nice to be able to give her food right from the table. 
She is only nursing twice a day and pretty soon I am going to try to give her goats milk to supplement the night time nursing. 
Still not much hair, but that will come eventually. She is on all day childcare two times a week and though I miss her, I can actually get work done! Yippe! 

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