Monday, March 24, 2014

Emma Loo

Well, I hope she's teething because she is driving me NUTS! She wants to be held ALL. THE. TIME.
Which is a problem if you are trying to get anything done. And she is so STRONG willed! My word, the girl has a serious stubbornness issue. :) I wonder where she got that from?
I am trying to remember to just hold her, because she is only going to be a baby for a very short amount of time and then she is big forever.... so sad.... :( So let her be clingy and want to be held. She's a sweetie and a doll baby and I love her BUNCHES!
She is pulling herself up on EVERYTHING and getting into everything that she shouldn't and walking behind a chair pushing it along... Oh and she climbed up the stairs without me noticing. I showed her how a couple of days ago but she always wants me to carry her, so I haven't practiced much with her. And low and behold, she can do it just fine on her own. Scary child.

We went sledding yesterday with them both and it was so fun to go do something outside with our kids. I felt so joyful with the weather and the people I was with. I love my little family!

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