Thursday, April 30, 2015

Adventures with youngsters

This spring has been one of comparative freedom to the previous years. Emma is old enough to go without a nap in the morning and they can stretch their afternoon nap to 2:30. So we have all the hours between 8 and 2:30 for adventures! 
I love taking them on adventures and seeing how much delight they get from discovering some small hidden puddle, or throwing rocks off a bridge into the water below, or finding our own path through the woods. We have enjoyed our spring very much this year. 
We've visited the island more times then I can count. Usually through in a truck load of rocks off the bridge in the process. We've mud puddles our way around the farm, walked to the very tip of the island, stood in the river in our mud boots to examine the old bull dozers chassy that is in the middle of the slough, we've walked across the frozen Moose pond to see the ponds beyond and summitted the bluff to partake of the view and the crocuses. 
Spring has always been a favorite season of mine and with two adventurous kiddos, it makes it even more magical to come outside after the long winter. 
On to summer with swimming and running around with little to no clothes on and finding all the interesting things there are to find in summer! 

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