Saturday, July 23, 2005

Where does laziness come from

I am sitting here at work on a gloriously sunny day, hating being inside, and also wasting my valuable time, NOT doing anything productive... How terrible is that? I can't say that I feel tremendously bad about it really.. In fact I don't feel bad about it at all. I am usually a very productive person, and I love to work hard, but I find when by myself, without any sort of press, I don't do well at all. I can usually force out a couple of hours of work, but then I just get sick of it and stop, and do things like blog... I was really inspired by reading Joahannas blogs, by the by, I miss my best friend! I am TIRED of you being gone and just think, It's just the beginning.. But at least there is Dan... there is always Dan.. What a great consilation! I love him so much.
I have been very surprised by the ability of the heart to expand and explore so unfearingly, previously untrodden ground. It's really fun! I really can't wait to marry him! There is no thought better then that.. not even Hawaii or any other tropical paradice. (Not, of course, suggesting I wouldn't be delighted to have that experience of GOING to one of those places!)
But now, I shall force myself to do a wee bit more work, lest I get home and not like myself as much for no dicipline what-so-ever!

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