Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Water Mommy!"

I keep trying to remember to get on here and write down the funny things Jackson says during the day and then I finally do and of course I can't remember ANY of them.
Though every time he get's in trouble or get's hurt he always cries... "water mommy, waterrrrr!" I think it's kind of funny.
I also LOVE that he call the trampoline a bumpaline... because he calls jumping, pumping... and peep for jeep.. :) These things make my heart happy.
He also really loves his footed jammies right now. He loves to zip them up and unzip them over and over again. What a kid.
Today I really missed him and just wanted to give him hugs and kisses. And then I got home and he was so revved up that I got irritated quickly. How stupid to want to be with your kid all day and then just get irritated when you actually do come home.
I must learn how to be tired and not irritable!

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