Wednesday, October 23, 2013


He is turning into such a gentleman.(Sometimes) The other day he ran around to my truck door and said, "my help you out Mamma. " And he grabbed my hand tried to hand me out of the truck. It was super cute.
The other day we were singing "you are holy, you are holy, you are holy seated on the throne of my life" and I said , "Jack you can sing this." He looks at me and says Holy Cow! :) It was so funny.
Today, after exercising, I let him walk on the treadmill and asked him if he wanted to be done. "No Mamma, give me two more seconds." (Have I mentioned he is two and a half?) There are so many things that he says that are funny and I try to remember them, but alas, I don't! I will try to be better.

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