Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Potty Training

Where do we start? Jackson is so aggressively uninterested that it makes it hard to even want to try to get him into it.
We have been nudging him ever so gently to sit on the potty. Last night he actually pooped on the potty, but I think it was more of a matter of him having diarrhea and happening to be sitting on the potty then actually feeling the urge and making the connection.
We did a big party for him, so hopefully that will encourage a return performance.
These are my thoughts for how to proceed from here.

  • Get a goody bag: Fill it with special treats and let him decorate it. 
  • Get a Sticker Chart: Get fun, truck & airplane & train stickers and let him help decorate it. 
  • Decorate the potty: Let him go wild with the potty. 
  • Get fun pull ups: make them interesting 
I am going to try the above and see if we can't generate some interest.

As far as Emma goes, she is thriving and doing wonderfully. She is still nursing six times a day which seems like a lot to me. But I don't remember what I was doing with Jackson at that point. I am also feeding her oatmeal twice a day and will probably increase it sometime in the next month. I LONNNNNGGG for the day when I can put her to bed at 8 or 8:30 and actually have an evening.  I think part of that is going to be not letting her sleep so long in the morning, but it's SOOO nice to have a little bit extra sleep on the rare days when I get to sleep in. She is getting more dexterous all the time and can now grab things and pass things back and forth. She can also sort of sit up with a little help and she's rolling ALL OVER THE PLACE!

As for me, like I said, I LOONNNGG for a little break. Just a day or even a night and morning to sleep until I wake up on my own. I am weary of always being needed and having demands on my time, body and energy. But really, it's not all that bad, I'm just going into the long, dark and cold of winter in Alaska and wish I didn't already feel to drained and TIRED!
 We'll make it and I really don't want Emma to get big too fast. Tonight she was sitting next to Nathaniel and flirting away with him. It was so cute. She is probably the most friendly, smily baby ever. :)

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