Friday, April 04, 2014

Birthdays Galore!

So today is my birthday. 31 Wow. Didn't see that one coming.. :) It's fine and I finally go to have a fabulous date with my hubby on my birthday instead of being preggo or having a fight or being depressed. This is actually turning out to be the best birthday I've had in MANY years!

As for the kids, Jackson turns 3 April 8. And Emma on the 29th of April. Not to mention Dan on the 25th. So I am going to have one big party on the 20th so my Mom & Dad can be there.

The Cakes:

Jackson's Cake is going to be something like this:

So excited about this one, because it will be really easy and it will be really fun! And Jackson will LOVE IT!

Emma's will be something like this. 

I was going to do the multi colored cake on the inside too. 

And then I am going to make cheesecake for me! Oh and Dan too. :)

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