Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is now a good time to panic or should I come back later?

Sometimes you just feel a wee bit too overwhelmed with life to actually try to deal with each little instance and situation. For instance, relationshps... there are so many to be worked on, (not that they are in need of repair, but it is vital to "work" with them to keep them good and alive and all that good stuff.) and yet sometimes, you just don't care and you don't want to worry about how that friend who is walking by is doing, or the person that you don't really know that you feel like you should probably get to know them, but don't have the energy to make an effort. It's really something that I think about every once in a while and know that I should for sure make those efforst and I do, just sometimes you just don't feel like it. Anyhoo there you have it in a 'nutshell' as is were. I must dash and go be with the one relationship I haven't gotten weary of at anytime. And for all the synics out there, I might just be able to work with God's help enough to always work for that relationship. Let's hope. I love you all... mostly

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