Monday, August 15, 2005

My God, How long? How long will we be smoked!

I am sitting in my room on what is supposed to be a glorious day. This may seem wierd to you, which it would be under normal circumstances.. But these are NOT normal circumstances! Praise be, it's so thick with smoke outside that it's hard to breath, and you can barly make out that there's even a sun in the sky, let alone that it's supposed to be shinning brightly. This makes me very angry, considering the nasty summer we've had and the fact that it is now fall, and we'll be getting the good old snow back soon. At this point it will be a relief. Oh well. Maybe next summer will be great. (Not likely)
Anyhoo.. exciting things that have happend.. well, Dan came home from being away for a long time and that is really fun and wonderful of course.. And let me see, unfortunately both Megumi and Hilary are leaving next week. Very sad! Oh well what can you do? But hopefully the roommates of next year will be as wonderful and roommates of yore, and yes Boj, that does include you! Emerson said some really good things in opening this morning. He was talking about not hating the weakness in us because God put it there to show us we need Him, and that there's no shame in it if you lean on God and get your strength from Him... not to mention abide in Him. It really ment something to me because so many times when I screw up, I barate myself to within an inch of my life because I think that I should be strong enough not to miss it and do dumb things. And it's true when you do that it's harder to go back and talk to God about it. Anyway, something I was thinking about.
I think I shall go now and do more productive things. Like laundry.
Love to all

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Good to see you up and posting again. Can't wait to see you.